Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Rachel

January 16th 2011, the last couple day haven’t been too bad, of course the steroids get started on the day of chemo and then for two days after. They keep me awake and feeling alert. The new chemo medicine is harder on the stomach but I can deal with it to avoid all the stuff that came with the first doses. So today is the third day after so another crash day for me, my day has been long and I worked on this blog endlessly. I’m happy I had something to do, today is Rachel my middle daughter’s Birthday and the get together at her house for the birthday celebration and the Seahawks game was not in the plan for me. Some of the kids are just getting over the flu and that’s the last thing I want to do right now.

Chemo Treatment Number Three

I waited in anticipation as the new chemo drug slowly dripped into my new picc line. The chemo nurse had explained that if I would be allergic it would happen right away. I was fine; they gave me lots of ice chips and were happy and friendly. If I have to do this I may as well try to smile. I try to never wish the days away, each day is a gift with something new to learn but its hard now to feel that way I am looking so forward to this chemo journey being over.

The Picc Line

January 12th 2011 was the day scheduled to get the picc line, and yes I had search the internet and learned all about it. I was just a little nervous because I had never had something like this but everything I had studied said it wouldn’t hurt and was quite an easy procedure. It was a short outpatient procedure to be done at the hospital. It was rainy and nasty out so my daughter and I left early. Soon I was on the table with two sweet older ladies explaining to me what they were going to do. I just wanted to know would it hurt, I was so tired of hurt, and I still am. She said they would numb the point of entry and then I wouldn’t feel the rest. She had just put one in a man before me and it just took 10 minutes. OK I could do this! Well an hour later and three tries to three different veins, they were finally successful in placing my picc line, and yes I felt it. I’m not sure what went wrong, I guess I just have to do everything the hard way, But it was done and my chemo treatment number three was scheduled for the next day.

Its A New Day

January 4th had arrived and this was the day I had scheduled to see a new oncologist. When I walked into the clinic I was greeted with smiles and happy chemo nurses, Yea! Now all I needed was a doctor that would listen and talk to me in a way that would not rub me wrong. And I found him, after he gave me an examine he explained that some of the chemo meds I had been on were causing an allergic reaction. Two more treatments with a new chemo medicine would be the plan. I knew it would still be hard but without the hives and other added stuff I really didn’t have to deal with and what a bonus only a hop skip and a jump from home, not that I could hop skip or jump right now, but that will come later. The new chemo meds are also hard on the veins so I would have to have a picc line put in. Now that didn't sound fun.