Saturday, October 1, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (feeling a little lopsided)

October Breast Cancer Awareness

Here we are, another October has arrived! When I looked outside this morning it truly looked like fall had finally begun. I’ve always like October, the nip in the air and all the fresh veggies from our garden gives me a lifted spirit.

Last year in October I was geting ready for my BC surgery and was busy preparing for whatever was to come next with my treatment. Before my surgery my surgeon had given me the opportunity to talk with other Doctors to decide which kind of surgery I would undergo. A Lumpectomy or a Mastectomy? With a lumpectomy I would need radiation for thirty days straight, with a Mastectomy I would need to have reconstruction surgery. After a breast has been through radiation it can’t have surgery because the tissue damage will not allow it to heal properly. Some who have to have mastectomy and radiation have reconstruction with new skin used from their back. I visited a Plastic surgeon and a radiologist before making my decision. I felt like having the lumpectomy would be the way for me to go, I had doubts but decided on it because it seemed to be less evasive.

It’s a feeling that can’t be described when you have surgery on this part of your body; it leaves you with an empty dark hard to describe feeling. I was happy with the minimal scaring and to know the cancer had been removed.

It’s been four months from the time I finished my last radiation appointment and Last week I went to see my radiologist for a follow up appointment. I learned something new at this appointment that had not been covered in any of my discussion I had with any of these docs. My sick breast seems to be shrinking. Now why is this happening? I guess this is caused from the radiation, now you tell me!

So now my choices are to get my healthy breast reduced to match the shrinking one or I can have surgery on the shrinking one using tissue from my back and implants. They have suggested putting a lift in my bra so that I match but this seems so uncomfortable to me or I guess I could just walk around lop sided? What would you do? I think I need some help with this decision.

I’m very grateful for the surgery and treatment I have received and I know that it has saved my life. Many of my Pink Sisters haven’t been as fortunate and are still fighting for their life and haven’t even had the opportunity to think about the way they look and for them I pray for health and healing.