Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Purse Snatcher

The purse snatcher

I couldn’t believe it when I went to get my purse and it was just gone! How in the world does your purse just disappear? This isn’t the first time I have had my purse stolen but I must say the strangest. I think the last time someone got away with my purse with all its contents was in Junior High School. During PE I had not put a lock on my locker and I will never forget the heartache it caused. I had everything I owned in that purse, important things like my makeup, you get the picture.

This time was hard, not to mention having to cancel two checking accounts, debit cards, credit cards, you know all that stuff but I really need my medical card and my punch card to Aunt Annie’s pretzel stand at the mall. Not to mention the appointment cards for upcoming Dr. appointments. Where do you start?? Then it started to sink in, my journal, my guess sunglasses and my lipstick! Then I have to remember and tell myself it’s just stuff and can for the most part all be replaced. The timing was just really bad.

In my past post I talked about chemo brain. When I sat down and tried to retrace my footsteps and remember where I last saw my purse it almost drove me crazy, I started thinking maybe there was something wrong with my brain. It’s just too strange that a purse would just disappear from my own living room. I knew I was OK when I saw my cell phone, I remembered getting it out of my purse that evening. Then the creepy part sets in! With the heat and humidly I often leave the front door open, and while I slept in my living room someone came into my house, how creepy is that! We’ve lived in this house for twenty three years and I feel very safe here, I’m really trusting, sometimes too trusting.

As I put this all behind me I pray that whoever has my things can’t cause anymore damage to my life and credit. One of my FB post mentioned that it must be someone I know, I have a real hard time thinking that? Everyone I know has at least seen or heard about what I have had to endure this past year and it would be a truly sad day when someone would have no more compassion then that. I have forgiven this person and I pray for them that they can find peace in their heart.