Friday, July 22, 2011

My Brother

I don’t remember the first time I meet him, my childhood memories didn’t start until he was about a year old. By that time I was just about four years old and it seemed he had always been there. At that time, I had two older sisters and a little brother. I loved him with all my heart and was very protective of him.

I remember my father being so happy to finally have a boy, after three girls he had finally hit the jackpot. He was a sweet boy and loved by all of his older sisters. He and I had a special bond and were best of friends. He was all boy and loved getting dirty building things and playing with worms and bugs, And even though I was a girly girly he was still the apple of my eye.

When we were grown we went out into the world to start our lives and he continued to make me proud. The day he returned home and I saw him in that uniform, I knew he had changed and was now a man.

When our mother passed he came to give the eulogy. I know it was hard for him, having three older sisters and one younger sister sitting in the chapel staring at him from behind dark glasses. But with his strong and confident voice he delivered wonderful words to make all of us feel better.

When I was sick this last year I always tried to find good in the situation. Some may find it hard to believe but when the world slows down and we have time to reminisce it can be a true gift. I love to remember the footprints in my mind and to revisit my childhood.

Time has passed and everyone is busy doing what they do but I will always remember my childhood friend, my baby brother.