Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Curves, Zumba, Lab Band, Atkins, South Beach Diet, Yoga, Palliates, ect....

I went to see my oncologist today, it was my routine appointment. He gave me good news, he said “Mary, I believe you’re cured” that was nice to hear him say. I’m so happy for all he has done for me and my wonderful chemo nurse was there to great me with open arms. She said, “I almost didn’t recognize you” with all that hair. That was nice to hear also. It’s kind of a creepy feeling going to that place, all the people sitting around getting chemo, gives me flash backs and I can hardly wait to just get out of there. But, it wasn’t all good news.

Seems the chemo and steroids messed with my blood sugar and I am now pre diabetic because of it. I really didn’t want to hear this one. I have tried to diet and lose this post chemo weight and it has been almost impossible. I have never eaten so well in my life, from juicing and eating all natural fruits and veggies. My average weight loss has been one pound a month, that’s hard to deal with. I feel like I have rode that exercise bike from here to tin buck too and all I get is a sore butt. So he started me on a medication that will stabilize my blood sugar and hopefully get me back to a normal place.

The lady that took my blood ask if I was done with treatment and when I told her yes she said the dreaded words. “You sure look good, you have a pretty face." Ug, and I knew what she was thinking.

When I was sick from the chemo I didn’t care what I ate, I just consumed whatever I could when I could. Sometimes the steroids made me feel like a crazy person looking for food. I was like a vampire wanting blood and I would do anything to get it.

Now I’m on a mission, I will get this body back in shape one way or another. If you have diet ideas or tips on good work outs be sure to share them. God knows, I've tried them all!


Rachel LaBranche said...

I am all about more protein less carbs

Rachel LaBranche said...

Less carbs more protein! !!!!! !!!