Monday, September 5, 2011

Time Flies

Wow! An entire year has come and gone and I have to say it’s a year of life to remember or try to forget, one of the two. I feel like my body has been pushed to the limit and is still trying to find its way back to normal. Whatever normal is? I do know that with every day that passes I am starting to feel stronger. It’s a strange thing, my body has been so sick for so long. My spirit and soul has also struggled. I’m not sure if I will ever be myself again but I can be the new and better me and this is what I will strive for.

It was in the early morning hours of Labor Day September 5th 2010 that I discovered the ugly lump and little did I know my life would never be the same. I have learned some really important lessons along the way.

 Never skip your mammogram. Make sure to make it to your yearly appointment.

 Make sure to schedule that fun fun thing called a pap smear.

 Have your yearly physical and make sure it includes blood work to check your cholesterol, blood sugar, and vitamin D Levels.

 Don’t forget that when you turn 50 to schedule that so looked forward to colonoscopy. (This is the one I would like to skip but know how important early detection is).

 Check your body for moles and other funny looking thing that may appear on your skin. Then make your appointment with the dermatologist.

 Don’t procrastinate!

I have taken care of everything on my check list and all has checked out good. With every test I take I get a little anxious waiting for the test results. When the results are in it’s a wonderful feeling to know that all is well.

Time seems to fly and we all get busy. I had let myself go for almost four years without having a mammogram! What was I thinking? Early detection is the key; I met ladies during radiation that didn’t have to experience chemo and only had to do radiation for treatment. Because my tumor had grown to the size it was I had to do the chemo. That’s hard to live with.

Tomorrow morning I will start a cleanse and spend the day preparing for my colonoscopy that is scheduled for Wednesday morning. Not what I consider a fun day but I know I will feel so much better when the result are in and I have peace of mind and know that all is well.

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