Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Mountain

Sometimes I feel like I’m climbing a mountain and can’t seem to get to the top. On Tuesday when I went to have my Biopsy I felt like the mountain that has been in front of me suddenly had gotten bigger. Just when I thought I was at the top the top seemed farther away than ever. I have to say this time was not near as scary as the first time, something about the fear of the unknown that makes it harder. This time I felt like a pro. I didn’t even take the little pill to make you relax and take the edge off. I didn’t want the entire day to be ruined again with that dopy feeling.

When I arrived at the Breast Center I soon found myself in that room again with women sitting in white robes staring at magazines. When my name was called the nurse laughed when I ask her if it was my turn for my facial. I really love how this place looks like a spa but is so far from it. This biopsy was much more difficult than the first one. My first tumor was close to the surface, this spot was near my chest wall. The nurse located the spot and the doctor started to numb my skin and deep into the tissue of my breast. It wasn’t fun and it took almost an entire hour for her to finish the procedure. I asked God to be with me and to give me peace.

I am happy to announce that the results are in and I Praise God the lump is BENGIN no cancer. Now I have been told by some that I am brave and that I am strong and I never really felt like I was either. But today I feel both and I am at the top of my mountain.

PS Thank you for praying for me and my family, we are Blessed by You!

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