Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lumpy Boobs

It was 1985 when I had a routine physical exam that sent me to the mammogram machine. That was a joke; twenty five year olds don’t need mammograms. Well the doctor decided it would be a good idea because my breasts were dense and lumpy whatever that meant? Nothing came of it and I went about my life. For some reason that mammogram haunted me, but why.
As the years went by I started having my yearly routine mammogram and every time they would scare the crap out of me! They could never just do the test and send me on my way, they always had to do an ultra sound or have the doctor look at the results to see if we needed to biopsy one of these lumps that had been there forever. No one really ever talked to me much about why they always had a concern and I always just wrote it off to lumpy boobs that they weren’t sure of.

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