Two down twenty eight to go, thirty radiation treatments to finish this part of treatment and I’m on my way. Radiation seems like it will be a piece of cake compared to chemo but I just can’t relax just yet. As I have said before side effects from radiation don’t start until about the third week and some have them and some don’t. I hate to be negative but I have had so many things go against me it’s really hard to relax. For now I’m just happy that the treatment doesn’t make me sick and it doesn’t hurt in fact I don’t feel anything at all, I can even drive myself to and from my appointment, except for today, I don’t like to drive in the snow.
Not to wish the days away but spring time is just around the corner and I’m so looking forward to warmer days, more day light hours and some flowers growing in my yard. I used to get mad when the store put the next holidays stuff out so soon but the other day I saw Easter candy and it gave me a happy feeling. I know I can’t forget a time in my life but this last fall and winter is one I would like to and to be honest while going through chemo I don’t remember a lot of it anyway, so I’ll go with that.
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