Six weeks have passed from the day of my last radiation treatment; boy was I happy to get that over with! I was really excited the day when I walked away from that hospital, all my hopes and dreams seen to return and I knew it was time to try to get things back to normal. It seemed easy in my head but in real life nothing was going to come easy just yet. I think I slept the next two weeks and felt like I would never be able to stay awake again.
As the burns on my breast started to heal so did my body and mind and once I could wear a bra again I started venturing out more and more. Funny how when you have been that sick it seems that things seem to stand still. I was lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling when I noticed cob webs above my head, ok, that's enough, time to get this body moving. Although it all seems so oerwhelming I try to make myself finish at least one task a day, some days are better than others and I get more accomplished.
I have been so blesssed with my family and friends that continue to be with me still making sure of all my needs. In the last few days I have started the last part of my treatment in the form of a pill that I will have to take for the next 5 years. It has some undesirable side effects that I am not expecting for myself because if I feel that way I won't have them, right?
Now as I start to get my life going again I want to thank all of you for your loving care and all the prayers, I will stay in touch.