I missed church today; I’ve missed church for the last couple month. My favorite part of church is the praise and worship; it makes me feel good and lifts me up. Its seems when Sunday rolls around it’s either a Sunday right after a chemo treatment or a Sunday that my white blood count is to low and it would be bad to be in a crowd of people. I can’t wait to be back in the saddle so that I can attend church on a regular basis, it reminds of another thing I have always taken for granted.
I get up on Sunday morning and have what I call TV church. I watch Joel Olsten and Kerry Shook and some other on an occasion, sometimes I’m not sure just what type of religion I’m watching but I guess It doesn’t matter as long as it coming from the bible. I always enjoy the message but it’s just not the same as getting to go to the church. I miss every little part of the day from the beginning when I pass through the doors of the church and there’s always a smiling face to greet me, to the worship and message to the closing prayer. I love and embrace it all, so even though I am blessed with TV church it will never replace the real thing.