February 2, 2011
I have had a hard time sleeping throughout the entire time that I have been in treatment, just the mixture of medicine and steroids really messed with me. Some days I was up and going at 4:00 am and had only been asleep for a few hours. I didn’t like my sleeping pattern and I knew it wouldn’t last forever, but who would have thought this would happen.
I have had a hard time sleeping throughout the entire time that I have been in treatment, just the mixture of medicine and steroids really messed with me. Some days I was up and going at 4:00 am and had only been asleep for a few hours. I didn’t like my sleeping pattern and I knew it wouldn’t last forever, but who would have thought this would happen.
It all started on Monday this week, I started feeling better, my body fighting hard this time back from the chemo chemicals. My white blood count was slow this time, almost three weeks later and they are still very low. I think with each treatment my body had a bit of a tougher time fighting back. Not to mention I have had to deal with the blood thinners and putting the shots in my tummy every day but good news came today, when my lab test came back, the numbers are where they wanted them and the shots are no longer part of my daily tasks, Yea! No more shots!
So back to sleeping, all I have done is sleep! I can’t stay awake? I’m not sure if I’m detoxifying or if I’m finally just tired and it time to catch up on all the lost sleep. It feels really good to sleep and to finally have a clear enough mind that I have began to dream again, I hate not dreaming, it makes me feel empty. I feel like I have slept the week away but I guess if this is the road to recovery, I’ll take it.