January 20, 2011
Today was almost a perfect day, although I am still feeling the chemo affects, my body is starting to rebound. I feel my body fighting but I also know that in a few days my white blood count will hit its low so I can’t be too cocky. My sister agreed to take me to an appointment to visit the chemo nurses for a new dressing on my picc line. I will have to go weekly to get a new bandage. Before my diagnosis’s she and I would meet for lunch once a week at a local restaurant. We worked together for over twenty years and really enjoy one another’s company. I can’t wait to be able to do the little things again, today I thought about how much I had taken them for granted. When we arrived at the clinic we realized that we were right on time so she dropped me off out front and went to park the car. This is the same clinic that she and I had taken our mother to for many years when she had became ill. When I went to see this doctor for the first time the memories came flooding in, but it was ok, I love remembering moments spent with my mom. My sister made a comment about where she used to park when she would bring mom to the clinic and I knew she too was having moments to remember. After the brief visit and a fresh new bandage we were on our way home, it felt good to get out of the house and to breathe in the fresh new air. When my sister had left, I sat exhausted, I closed my eyes and thought about what an almost perfect day it had been!
Today was almost a perfect day, although I am still feeling the chemo affects, my body is starting to rebound. I feel my body fighting but I also know that in a few days my white blood count will hit its low so I can’t be too cocky. My sister agreed to take me to an appointment to visit the chemo nurses for a new dressing on my picc line. I will have to go weekly to get a new bandage. Before my diagnosis’s she and I would meet for lunch once a week at a local restaurant. We worked together for over twenty years and really enjoy one another’s company. I can’t wait to be able to do the little things again, today I thought about how much I had taken them for granted. When we arrived at the clinic we realized that we were right on time so she dropped me off out front and went to park the car. This is the same clinic that she and I had taken our mother to for many years when she had became ill. When I went to see this doctor for the first time the memories came flooding in, but it was ok, I love remembering moments spent with my mom. My sister made a comment about where she used to park when she would bring mom to the clinic and I knew she too was having moments to remember. After the brief visit and a fresh new bandage we were on our way home, it felt good to get out of the house and to breathe in the fresh new air. When my sister had left, I sat exhausted, I closed my eyes and thought about what an almost perfect day it had been!