And never been kissed!!!!!
Meghan Ryan was born on September 23rd and when she came into the world she surprised us all. See we had been told during her mommy’s ultra sound that she was a boy. So this boy baby that we were ready for was going to be named Coty? We were excited when Miss Megan arrived; she was baby number three in her family and would end up being the middle child.

Meg is beautiful on the inside and out, she’s every ones friend and a very kind hearted Christian girl. I love watching her dance and perform; she is full of energy and makes me laugh. She does impressions of her family and friends and will someday probable be famous and what beauty, how could she have made it to sixteen without being kissed?
My birthday wish for my granddaughter Megan is a year full of blessings to many to count a good cheer season lots of fun and friends and maybe even that first kiss.
I love you Meghan Ryan