January 12th 2011 was the day scheduled to get the picc line, and yes I had search the internet and learned all about it. I was just a little nervous because I had never had something like this but everything I had studied said it wouldn’t hurt and was quite an easy procedure. It was a short outpatient procedure to be done at the hospital. It was rainy and nasty out so my daughter and I left early. Soon I was on the table with two sweet older ladies explaining to me what they were going to do. I just wanted to know would it hurt, I was so tired of hurt, and I still am. She said they would numb the point of entry and then I wouldn’t feel the rest. She had just put one in a man before me and it just took 10 minutes. OK I could do this! Well an hour later and three tries to three different veins, they were finally successful in placing my picc line, and yes I felt it. I’m not sure what went wrong, I guess I just have to do everything the hard way, But it was done and my chemo treatment number three was scheduled for the next day.
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