January 19, 2011
Angels are spiritual beings, often viewed as divine emanations of the Supreme Being. Angels are believed to be intermediaries between human beings and God. Although different groups of angels may have specific functions, all angels appear to praise God and attend to his will. Angels appear to carry out God's will, both in heaven and on earth. Cherubs are one of several types of angels. They are mentioned in the Bible.
I found this definition of a cherub on the internet and you may be wondering why I would want to share it with you. I love angels all kinds from the tall beautiful ones to the chubby cherub type. I like to look at them and I love the stories of them I like everything about them. My mother collected angels, I have a few that belonged to her and they remind me of her. She was like an angle on earth.
When I first found out that I would be having chemotherapy I started reading everything I could get my hands on. (Doctors don’t like you to do that, gives you too much information and makes you ask a lot of questions). Several articles I had found talked about women having chemo for breast cancer would gain weight. No Way! Chemo makes people skinny? Not so, seems the added steroids and different types of meds used will most likely add pounds. I think I have been on a diet most of my life,(even when I didn’t need to lose weight). As I have mentioned I had already gained some weight after finding the dreaded lump and panicked at the thought of gaining another ounce.
At my pre chemo appointment it was one of the first questions I brought to the oncologist. He simply said “NO” chemo does not make you gain weight. OK, that’s what I wanted to hear, but what about all the articles I had found? My doctor knows everything I need to know so I was going with him. Isn’t that what we have always been taught? I like to trust and believe the man with the expensive education who I have decided to trust my life with. This wasn’t a stubbed toe! This was big stuff! My family and friends thought I was being really silly worrying about my weight at a time like this, who cares what you look like, this isn’t suppose to be a glamorous time. I did start to gain weight, no matter how hard I tried you just can’t diet when you’re doing chemo you just eat what you can when you can.
Maybe this was my first thought, if this doctor couldn’t be straight with me about something so small, what about the big stuff? I would wish that my doctor would always tell me everything and be brutally honest with me. I think in his defense he and his surgeon buddy had decided if they didn’t tell me all, it was better for my personality type. Not so.
One of the articles I stumbled over described a woman going through chemo for breast cancer as a “Cherub” as you know they are fat little angels with round bellies. I not only feel like a cherub but a bald one at that. I get weighted every morning, (I always have) and although I have gained it’s not too bad. And I know I have sometime in common with the Cherubs, I to love to praise God!
Angels are spiritual beings, often viewed as divine emanations of the Supreme Being. Angels are believed to be intermediaries between human beings and God. Although different groups of angels may have specific functions, all angels appear to praise God and attend to his will. Angels appear to carry out God's will, both in heaven and on earth. Cherubs are one of several types of angels. They are mentioned in the Bible.
I found this definition of a cherub on the internet and you may be wondering why I would want to share it with you. I love angels all kinds from the tall beautiful ones to the chubby cherub type. I like to look at them and I love the stories of them I like everything about them. My mother collected angels, I have a few that belonged to her and they remind me of her. She was like an angle on earth.
When I first found out that I would be having chemotherapy I started reading everything I could get my hands on. (Doctors don’t like you to do that, gives you too much information and makes you ask a lot of questions). Several articles I had found talked about women having chemo for breast cancer would gain weight. No Way! Chemo makes people skinny? Not so, seems the added steroids and different types of meds used will most likely add pounds. I think I have been on a diet most of my life,(even when I didn’t need to lose weight). As I have mentioned I had already gained some weight after finding the dreaded lump and panicked at the thought of gaining another ounce.
At my pre chemo appointment it was one of the first questions I brought to the oncologist. He simply said “NO” chemo does not make you gain weight. OK, that’s what I wanted to hear, but what about all the articles I had found? My doctor knows everything I need to know so I was going with him. Isn’t that what we have always been taught? I like to trust and believe the man with the expensive education who I have decided to trust my life with. This wasn’t a stubbed toe! This was big stuff! My family and friends thought I was being really silly worrying about my weight at a time like this, who cares what you look like, this isn’t suppose to be a glamorous time. I did start to gain weight, no matter how hard I tried you just can’t diet when you’re doing chemo you just eat what you can when you can.
Maybe this was my first thought, if this doctor couldn’t be straight with me about something so small, what about the big stuff? I would wish that my doctor would always tell me everything and be brutally honest with me. I think in his defense he and his surgeon buddy had decided if they didn’t tell me all, it was better for my personality type. Not so.
One of the articles I stumbled over described a woman going through chemo for breast cancer as a “Cherub” as you know they are fat little angels with round bellies. I not only feel like a cherub but a bald one at that. I get weighted every morning, (I always have) and although I have gained it’s not too bad. And I know I have sometime in common with the Cherubs, I to love to praise God!
I like this mom :)
This is a great story, thanks for taking the time to share it.
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